Posted by: Apostle Jacob Ballard III on Tue, May 23, 2017
Choosing A Church Leader
Apostle Jacob Ballard III
(Acts 1:21-26) Leaders: the choosing of church leaders—the replacement for Judas.
Leaders must be associates; they must be in fellowship with other believers over a long period of time. Peter said they must not be novices; they must not be new believers not yet grounded in the faith. People must not be chosen to be leaders until they are mature in the Lord and have proven to be genuine.
I have seen an increase over the years of people coming into the ministry looking to get a license to kill by leading others to slaughter. Some come with their papers feeling they have a right to come in and lead when they have not followed. A leader is not made but perfected. A leader is one that is leading already not one that get started because they want to tell someone what to do. A leader is not greater than the one who made him a leader. Jesus said in, John 13:16 (KJV) “Verily, Verily, I say unto you, the servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.” Here are a few things we learn from selecting a leader.
1."Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil" (1 Tim. 3:6).
2.Leaders must know the Lord Jesus Christ personally. They must have personal knowledge of Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus being a witness of His resurrection power.
3.A leader...must not only know about Jesus, but know Christ.
4.A leader…must not only profess Jesus, but possess Christ.
5.A leader must not only believe Jesus lived, but know Jesus lives.
6. A leader must not only read the story of Jesus, but live the life of Jesus.
7.A leader must not only walk after the beliefs of Jesus, but follow Jesus, the risen Lord Himself.
8.A leader must not only be willing to lead others, but be leading others already (no matter how few).
9.A leader must not only talk about witnessing, but witness in the life you live and the words you speak.
10. A leader must not only want the resurrected power of God, but already know the power of God.
Note: the two names put forth and nominated. They were men highly esteemed by the earliest believers. Nothing else is known about them.
"Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me" (Isaiah 43:10).
"And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach" (Mark 3:14).
The disciples were men appointed by Jesus for four specific purposes.
1. The disciples were appointed to be with Jesus. This was the first lesson Jesus wanted to teach men: that God wants man's personal fellowship and devotion before all else. God willed men to "know Him, believe Him and understand Him" above all else (Isaiah 43:10). The disciples were to live in Jesus' presence, ever learning of Him and drawing their spiritual nourishment and strength from Him.
2. The disciples were appointed to be sent forth. They were to be His ambassadors, His representatives who moved out into the world. They were appointed for that very purpose, to represent Him among the people of the world.
"Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God" (2 Cor. 5:20).
3. The disciples were appointed to preach. They were to be the heralds, the messengers of Christ Jesus. He had a message for the world, and they were to proclaim His message to the world.
"For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:20).
A disciple is one that follow the man till they receive the Spirit of the one that they follow.
Paul said, 1Cor. 11:1 “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.
Note: Paul didn’t know Jesus but he knew Christ by way of God not Jesus. (How Do I
Know My Messenger and Message.)
4. The disciples were appointed to receive power—the power to minister and to heal sicknesses and to cast out devils
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us" (Ephes. 3:20).
So many people today call themselves to be leaders but was never chosen to be a leader. Do you really know the leader you are following if he or she is chosen? What is there proof of who they are following? Do they LOVE you the way that Christ said you should be loved? Who stop you from talking to your shepherd? It is time to know who you are following! If you don’t know look for the word on (“Following Him That Follow Christ”.)
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