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Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ

Dying To Live
Dying To Live
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Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ

Posted by: Apostle Jacob Ballard III on Fri, Feb 10, 2012

Dying to Live



Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ

Romans 6:1-14

Topics: Change, Consequences, God, Holiness, Jesus Christ, Life-style, New Life, Salvation, Sin, Slavery

Open It

  1. What would most people like to change about their lives?
  2. What is one thing you’d like to change about your life?
  3. *What motivates people to make major changes in their lives?


  1. Why should a forgiven, justified person make a strong effort not to sin? (6:1-2)
  2. For what reason would a person not want to live in sin any longer? (6:2)
  3. What does baptism symbolize about our relationship to Christ? (6:2-4)
  4. *What makes it possible for a person to live a new life? (6:4)
  5. Before a person is united to Christ, to what is he or she a slave? (6:6)
  6. How does being united with Christ through His death change our relationship to sin? (6:7)
  7. After Christ died and was raised, why did neither sin nor death have any power over Him? (6:7, 9-10)
  8. *How will uniting with Christ in His death change the future of our lives? (6:8-10)
  9. *In a person’s new relationship with God, what is his or her relationship to sin supposed to be? (6:11-12)
  10. What change in attitude and action toward God happens in a person who follows Christ? (6:11-13)
  11. Under whose control does a believer’s live? (6:14)
  12. How does being under grace change a person? (6:14)


  1. What does this passage tell us about God and Christ?
  2. What does this passage tell us about all people and their relationship to God?
  3. What kind of changes does God want to make in our lives when we become believers?
  4. *Why should a believer stop sinning even though he or she knows God has forgiven and will forgive those sins?
  5. *How does God help a person discard old habits and tendencies?
  6. How does God give a person a new self?
  7. What are the symptoms of a person in slavery to sin?
  8. How would you describe the character of someone who is alive to God in Christ?
  9. What does it mean to live a new life for God?
  10. In what practical sense is sin no longer the master of a believer even though he or she might still commit specific sins?
  11. In what ways is a believer truly free?

Live It

  1. How can you actively resist the tendency to sin in your everyday life?
  2.  *How can you offer yourself as an instrument of righteousness to God and to others this week?




   Discussion: Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ

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